At first I thought I wasn't going to be able to find fake flowers that could pass as Hemlocks, but after a bit of scrolling I found a vaseful. I could always cut a few petals off of the flowers to use for close ups.
It took a while to find blankets that would fit into my price range. I knew I'd still be spending a lot of money on props, but all the blankets I ran into previously were between twenty to fifty dollars- so when I found this product I was satisfied. My only issue is deciding which color scheme I want to use.
I'm tempted to go with the blue blanket to suggest a psychological or twisted aspect to my film opening, but it goes against what I had originally had in mind for my mise-en-scene. I'm also tempted to buy the pink one as it would suggest tenderness and romance to help reinforce the characters' relationship (but most importantly it's so cute and I'd get to use it after).
These are a couple other options that may look good or at least be back-ups in case the other two get sold out. I like that they're both neutral colors in case I decide to have a more subtle approach to suggesting this is a Thriller film. I'd usually go for being bold, but for the sake of experimenting I could find other ways.
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